Masterclass – Advanced Child Informed Mediation (CIM) Skills
The Child Informed Mediation Process is a powerful research-based approach, by bringing the ‘voice’ of the child into the Mediation process so that parents can develop a child-focused parenting arrangement suited to their children’s specific needs.
This mediation process is different from the child-focused model of Family Dispute Resolution, as the Child Consultant works directly with the child and communicates their ‘messages’ back to the FDR mediator and the parents in their dispute resolution session.
The Child Informed Process requires specialist skills and this 1-day intensive training opportunity will provide you with the skills and confidence of what is required when using this process.
This workshop will focus on:
- assisting Child Consultants to be able to deliver child and parental sensitive messages in the mediation session such that the parents can hear and integrate this information into their decision-making regarding their children’s arrangements.
- teach Child Consultants how to prepare for a CIM mediation and discuss relevant themes.
- focus on how the FDRP can keep the Child Consultant’s messages alive during the FDR session and how these can be used by the FDRP to enhance and influence a child-focused outcome/agreement.
*Please note that Masterclasses are not included in membership subscriptions. Please contact to register and further information