On-Demand Training
GPD Training specialises in professional development for mediators, FDRPs and professionals who want to be successful in dispute resolution.
These on-demand recordings are unique learning tools.
These unique training videos can be watched at your own pace. They are demonstrations of matters which commonly occur in your practice, with a critique on the demonstration.
The recordings of Intake demonstrations for Workplace and Family mediation matters will take you step-by-step through an Intake session, plus provide a critique of the Intake from a highly experienced mediator/trainer.
There is also a Family Mediation Matter session recording, with feedback on the session, along with suggestions for other approaches and tools.
These recordings will not only teach you new approaches to your sessions, they will have you assessing each step of the process.
All our training contributes to CPD points. Robyn Hooworth, Bobbi Reilly and Linda Kochanski are all recognised academics who practice what they teach every day. With over 30 years of FDR/Mediation experience they provide best practice, theory-based learning combined with practical skills and role play guaranteed to enhance your professional practice.
Demonstration Training Videos
Workplace – Intake Demonstration Package: $550 (members 10% discount)
- Recording of Intake demonstration relevant to workplace mediation matters
- Recording of Intake demonstration critique
- Intake template form
Family – Intake Demonstration Package: $550 (members 10% discount)
- Recording of Intake Demonstration relevant to a family mediation matter
- Recording of Intake Demonstration Critique
- Intake Template Form
Family – Mediation Session: $695 (members 10% discount)
- Recording of Mediation demonstration with Mediation Demonstration Critique – Over 3 hours of recorded material
- Agreement to Mediate document Template Form
- Facilitative Model Information Sheet